Pomsky Grooming: 8 Tips for Grooming a Pomsky Dog

Keep your pomsky healthy and happy with these helpful recommendations!

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Use a deshedding tool or small grooming comb to brush your pomsky’s fur at least once a week. Regular brushing ensures your puppy’s fur remains smooth and soft. It reduces matting and increases your pomsky’s cleanliness. We recommend using the Dak Pets Pet Grooming Brush to remove extra fur from your pomsky.


Only give your pomsky a bath when they are dirty or muddy. Regular bathing is unnecessary and could even dry out your pomsky’s skin. Regular brushing is the best way to take care of your pomsky’s fur coat. Some instances when you should give your pomsky a bath include after your pomsky goes swimming, walks on a dirty road, has been boarded with other dogs, or any other time they are extra dirty and in need of a bath. Use an all-natural, tear-free puppy shampoo such as the Burt’s Bees Natural Tearless 2 in 1 Shampoo and Conditioner.

Skin Care

If your pomsky has dandruff or dry skin, use a moisturizing conditioning spray. An all-natural, conditioning and detangling spray will help your pomsky’s fur and skin remain healthy. We recommend using these Earthbath products to deodorize, detangle, and condition.

Dental Care

Pomsky teeth brushing

It is important to begin brushing your pomsky’s teeth each night after they are 8 weeks old. Use a finger brush or gentle puppy toothbrush with puppy toothpaste. Having good dental hygiene helps your puppy’s health in many ways. If you begin brushing teeth at an early age, your pomsky will learn that teeth brushing is a positive experience. We recommend using Virbac CET Enzymatic Toothpaste.


Eye Care

Keep your pomsky’s eyes clean and free of crusty edges by using gentle eye wipes. Use these as often as needed to reduce mucus around your puppy’s eyes.

Cleaning Paws

Wipe your pomsky’s paws after they have walked in dirt, sand, mud, or on salty winter roads. Anytime you are concerned about unclean or unsafe surfaces, be sure to wipe your puppy’s paws. This will reduce the chance of your pomsky getting sick from licking their paws after going on a walk. We recommend using a Hypo-Allergenic Grooming Wipes.


Moisturizing Paws

Pomsky paw care, dry dog paw

During winter months, a pomsky’s paws might get dry or cracked. Use a paw moisturizing cream or paw balm to keep their paws healthy and comfortable. Put the cream on your pomsky’s paws before they take a nap so the cream isn’t wiped off or licked off.

Trimming Nails

Use a dog nail trimmer with a safety guard to trim your pomsky’s nails. Trim your pomsky’s nails every two months (or more if needed) to keep the nails short and clean. This helps prevent the nail quick from growing out and ensures the nails don’t grow to be too long, which can be painful for dogs. Use a nail grinder if you want to grind your dog’s nails down more frequently (every 2-3 weeks) or to smooth nails after they have been clipped.

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